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How We Serve Pilgrims

Amenities in our space that are provided freely to newly-arrived pilgrims.

Services offered to newly-arrived pilgrims by suggested donation.

Service - Free Wifi
Free Wifi

Wifi available to newly-arrived

pilgrims during our operating hours.

Service - Free Wifi
Service - Kitchenette
Service - Kitchenette

Equipped with microwave, toaster oven,

hot plate induction stoves, toaster,

pots, pans, cookware, plates, bowls,

cups, mugs, and eating utensils.

Service - Personal Debrief
Service - Personal Camino Debrief
Personal Camino Debrief

Use one of our debriefing guides and/or

End of Camino Letter to help you

process your camino.

Or request to speak with one of our staff

to process your Camino 1-on-1.

Service - Computer

Use our computers to look for and book accommodations,

check e-mail, plan travel, and more.

Service - Computer
Service - Reflection Room
Service - Reflection Room
Reflection Room

A quiet space to process your

Camino journey.

Books & helpful articles available.

Service - Group Camino Debrief
Service - Group Camino Debrief
Group Camino Debrief

Every day at 4pm meet with other

pilgrims to share and process

the Camino together.

Service - Gathering Space
Service - Gathering Space
Gathering Space

Use our gathering space for relaxing

and gathering with other pilgrims!

Service - Reflective Meditation
Service - Reflective Meditation
Reflective Meditation

Let one of our staff members lead

you in a reflective meditation of

your Camino through verbal guidance

or artistic expression.

Service - Open Air Patio
Open Air Patio

A quiet "outdoor" space away from

the hustle and bustle of the city.

Service - Open Air Patio
Service - Bag Check
Service - Bag Check
Bag Check

In-Person Only. No deliveries.

Common Space (Day Only) - Free

Locked Away - 1,50 € per day

Service - Printing
Service - Printing

Boarding Passes & More!

.20 ¢ per page

Service - Laundry
Service - Laundry

We'll do it for you!

(3 hour process to Wash & Dry)

3.00 € wash | 3.00 € dry

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