How We Serve Pilgrims
Amenities in our space that are provided freely to newly-arrived pilgrims.
Services offered to newly-arrived pilgrims by suggested donation.
Free Wifi
Wifi available to newly-arrived
pilgrims during our operating hours.

Equipped with microwave, toaster oven,
hot plate induction stoves, toaster,
pots, pans, cookware, plates, bowls,
cups, mugs, and eating utensils.

Personal Camino Debrief
Use one of our debriefing guides and/or
End of Camino Letter to help you
process your camino.
Or request to speak with one of our staff
to process your Camino 1-on-1.

Use our computers to look for and book accommodations,
check e-mail, plan travel, and more.

Reflection Room
A quiet space to process your
Camino journey.
Books & helpful articles available.

Group Camino Debrief
Every day at 4pm meet with other
pilgrims to share and process
the Camino together.

Gathering Space
Use our gathering space for relaxing
and gathering with other pilgrims!

Reflective Meditation
Let one of our staff members lead
you in a reflective meditation of
your Camino through verbal guidance
or artistic expression.

Open Air Patio
A quiet "outdoor" space away from
the hustle and bustle of the city.

Bag Check
In-Person Only. No deliveries.
Common Space (Day Only) - Free
Locked Away - 1,50 € per day

Boarding Passes & More!
.20 ¢ per page

We'll do it for you!
(3 hour process to Wash & Dry)
3.00 € wash | 3.00 € dry